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Re: problem with alias expansion

> The same thing happens for two aliases as in:
> 	testa: bien
> 	testb: bien
> 	testall: testa, testb
> 	bien: bien@antares.aero.org
> "expn testall" gives the same results as above (one expanded alias and 
> one it thinks is local).
> Has anyone run into this problem before?  Does anyone have a fix?

Yup.  I decided that the approach that aliases.cf took in pruning
expansion was completely wrong.  So my fix was to write a new
aliases.cf from scratch.  Appended below.  This was for 2.1, so I
don't guarantee it will work for 2.2.1-mea-940322.

The approach I took in rewriting aliases.cf still isn't quite right,
but it's worked okay for us for, umm, years now.  Someday I'll have to
look at it again.  One drawback: this may be slower than the original
aliases.cf, though I haven't done any timings.

You should probably read it through before using it for real.  I think
there are a few quirks in it, which I don't remember offhand.

-- cut here --
# Expansion of the local-part of a locally delivered address is done here.

# XXX "expand" is really a bad name; it's actually a combination of
# XXX several things: name resolution, routing, etc.
# XXX and why is this a separate level?  the main router does the
# XXX same sort of things.  can this be unified?

provide aliases

# This is the switching station for local name expansion.

routeuser (quad) {

	local user attr a
	user=$(user $quad)
	attr=$(attributes $quad)

	# Leave it alone if it's not a local recipient.
	if [ "$(get $attr type)" != recipient ]
	|| [ "$(channel $quad)" != local ]; then
		return (($quad))

	# Try various methods until one succeeds.

	# An ":include:$file" spec.
	a=$(expand $quad include) && return $a

	# The aliases database.
	a=$(expand $quad alias) && return $a

	# Host routing, via mboxmap.
	a=$(expand $quad mboxmap_host) && return $a

	# Host routing, via homemap.
	# Doing this is a bad idea if users want to do host routing
	# with their .forward files.  XXX This is a deep flaw.
	# XXX but note cluster cut.
#	a=$(expand $quad homemap) && return $a

	# User's .forward file, xor host routing via homemap.
	# Note, listing them together makes them exclusive.
	a=$(expand $quad forward homemap) && return $a

	# File location, via mboxmap.
	a=$(expand $quad mboxmap_file) && return $a

	# Mailing lists.
	a=$(expand $quad list) && return $a
	a=$(expand $quad list_owner) && return $a

	# Trap "uid#999" messages.
	a=$(expand $quad uid_error_trap) && return $a

	# PUNTHOST, if defined.
	a=$(expand $quad punthost) && return $a

	# If mboxmap, trap users without entries.
	a=$(expand $quad mboxmap_trap) && return $a

	# A real live local delivery.
	a=$(expand $quad local) && return $a

	# Or fall through to error.
	return (((error err.nosuchuser "$user" $attr)))

# This is the main engine for expansion.  This will call
# $(expand_$method $user $attr) for each method it's given, with a
# guard against recursion, until it gets an answer.
# Note the difference between
#	$(expand $quad method1)
#	$(expand $quad method2)
# and
#	$(expand $quad method1 method2)
# In the first case, $(method2 foo) can get called recursively while
# expanding $(method1 foo).  In the second case, $(method2 foo) will
# not get called recursively while expanding $(method1 foo).
# XXX Perhaps this distinction is a little too confusing; maybe
# XXX there's a better way of doing it.

expand (quad) {	# method ...
	local user attr expansion success result

	user=$(user $quad)
	attr=$(attributes $quad)

	# This is the key used as a guard.
	expansion="$@ * $user"

	# A second instance of the same name disappears.
	# XXX This is not quite the right place to do this.
	# XXX And expansions should be split into two tables.
	expansions "finished $expansion" && return ()

	# A recursive instance of the same name gets rejected.
	expansions "pending $expansion" && return 99

	db add expansions "pending $expansion" 1
	for method in "$@"; do
		if result=$(expand_$method "$user" $attr); then
	db remove expansions "pending $expansion"

	[ $success ] || return 99

	db add expansions "finished $expansion" 1
	return $result

### An ":include:$file" spec.

expand_include (user, attr) {
	local priv a

	sift "$user" in
		if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
			return (((error err.nosuchuser "$user" $attr)))

		priv=$(get $attr privilege)
		priv=$(getpriv $priv "$file" include) || return 99
		attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)

		return $(listaddresses <"$file" -e root -c "include $user" |
			 maprrouter $attr "$user")
	return 99

### The traditional aliases database.


if [ -f $ALIASES ]; then
	[ -f $ALIASES.dat ] || $MAILBIN/zmailer newaliases
	relation -limt ordered,$ALIASES.dat -f $ALIASES.idx aliases
	aliases () { return 99 }

# If the 'm' option was NOT specified on the aliases relation,
# presumably whatever creates new aliases will poke us (using SIGURG).

trap "db flush aliases ; log flushed aliases" 16

expand_alias (user, attr) {
	local priv a

	a=$(aliases "$user") || return 99

	priv=$(filepriv $ALIASES $(db owner aliases))
	attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)

	return $(echo "$a" |
		 listaddresses -e root -c "alias $user" |
		 maprrouter $attr "$a")

### The homemap database.

# This database looks like:
#	/home/directory/prefix	$mailserver

# This method removes the last component from the user's home
# directory and looks it up in the homemap.  (Eg, if a user's home is
# /nfs/red/sam, then /nfs/red is the key.)  If the lookup succeeds,
# the mail gets routed to user@$mailserver.


if [ -f $HOMEMAP ]; then
	relation -m -t ordered -f $HOMEMAP homemap
	homemap () { return 99 }

expand_homemap (user, attr) {
	local home a

	home=$(homedirectory "$user") || return 99

	a=$(/bin/expr "$home" : "\(/.*\)//*[^/]*/*") || return 99
	a=$(homemap "$a") || return 99

	return $(rrouter "$user@$a" $attr)

##### .forward files.

# If the user's home directory doesn't exist (perhaps due to
# automounter/NFS outage), then we defer routing, tossing the message
# in the hold/SCRIPT:home queue.  This is so we can reliably read
# .forward files.  If the home directory never exists, then the
# message will eventually get bounced by the scheduler.

# XXX (cluster cut)  If you deliver mail to a user's home directory (or
# XXX the same file system), then a forward file that names a
# XXX different machine in the same cluster should not get forwarded,
# XXX and a mechanism like homemap should take over.  This is tricky
# XXX to do unless router and route_user get collapsed together.

expand_forward (user, attr) {
	local home priv a

	home=$(homedirectory "$user") || return 99

	# If the home directory doesn't exist (perhaps due to
	# automounter/NFS outage), then defer routing.  This is
	# so we can reliably read forward files.  If the home
	# directory never exists, the
	if [ ! -d "$home" ]; then
		#return (((hold "HOME:$user" "$user" $attr)))	#XXX
		return (((hold "SCRIPT:home/$user" "$user" $attr)))

	[ -f "$a" ] || return 99

	priv=$(get $attr privilege)
	priv=$(getpriv $priv "$a" .forward) || return 99
	attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)

	return $(listaddresses <"$a" -e "$user" -c "forward $user" |
		 maprrouter $attr "$a")

##### Mailing lists.

# A mailing list is a file with the same name within the $MAILLISTS
# directory (default is $MAILVAR/lists) that contains a list of
# addresses.  $MAILLISTS can be a list of directories, in which case a
# list is the union of all files in all the directories.  The owner of
# the files are considered the owners of the mailing list.


expand_list (user, attr) {
	local addrs file priv a zzz

	attr=$(newattribute $attr sender "$user"-owner)
	for dir in $MAILLISTS; do
		file=$dir/$(recase -l "$user")
		[ -f "$file" ] || continue

		priv=$(getpriv $priv "$file" maillist) || continue
		attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)

		a=$(listaddresses <"$file" -e "$user"-owner -c "list $user" |
			maprrouter $attr "$file")

		# append $a to $addrs
		case $#addrs in
		0)	addrs=$a;;
		*)	zzz=$(setf $(cdr $(last $addrs)) $a);;

	case $#addrs in
	0)	return 99;;
	*)	return $addrs;;

# This redirects things like "*-request" to the mailing list owners.

expand_list_owner (user, attr) {
	local addrs list file a zzz

	case "$user" in
	*-request)	list=$(basename "$user" -request);;
	*-owner)	list=$(basename "$user" -owner);;
	owner-*)	list=$(/bin/expr "$user" : "owner-\(.*\)");;
	*)		return 99;;

	for dir in $MAILLISTS; do
		file=$dir/$(recase -l "$list")
		[ -f "$file" ] || continue

		a=$(rrouter $(uid2login $(filepriv "$file")) $attr)
		case $#addrs in
		0)	addrs=$a;;
		*)	zzz=$(setf $(cdr $(last $addrs)) $a);;

	case $#addrs in
	0)	return 99;;
	*)	return $addrs;;

### The mboxmap database.

# This database looks like:
#	$user	$host:$prefix:$suffix

# In the end, a user's mail gets delivered to $host and dropped in the
# file $prefix/PObox/$suffix.  This involves three different methods:

# 0. mboxmap_host reroutes mail to $user to $user@$host.
# 1. mboxmap_file deposits mail into the file $prefix/PObox/$suffix.
# 2. mboxmap_trap rejects the mail if $user isn't in the database.

# The idea is that each user's mailbox is on the same filesystem as
# their home directory, and writing the mailbox is the responsibility
# of the fileserver that owns that filesystem, thus avoiding a number
# of awkward NFS issues.

# XXX However, this is an awkward implementation.  There's a better
# XXX way of doing this.


if [ -f $MBOXMAP ]; then
	relation -lmt ordered -f $MBOXMAP mboxmap
	mboxmap () { return 99 }

expand_mboxmap_host (user, attr) {
	local pobox

	pobox=$(mboxmap "$user") || return 99

	sift "$pobox" in
		return $(rrouter "$user@\1" $attr);;
		return (((error database "$user" $attr)));;

expand_mboxmap_file (user, attr) {
	local pobox priv

	pobox=$(mboxmap "$user") || return 99

	sift "$pobox" in
		priv=$(login2uid "$user")
		attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)
		return (((local - "\2/$POBOX/\3" $attr)));;
		return (((error database "$user" $attr)));;

expand_mboxmap_trap (user, attr) {
	case "$POBOX" in
	'')	return 99;;
	*)	return (((error err.nosuchuser "$user" $attr)));;

### Redirect "uid#*" to postmaster.

expand_uid_error_trap (user, attr) {
	case "$user" in
	uid#*)	return $(rrouter postmaster $attr);;
	return 99

### Real live local users get punted to $PUNTHOST.

expand_punthost (user, attr) {
	if [ "$PUNTHOST" ]; then
		return $(rrouter "$user"@$PUNTHOST $attr)
	return 99

### A really real live local user.

expand_local (user, attr) {
	return (((local - "$user" $attr)))

# Usage: getpriv <present privilege> <filename> <filename type>
# Determine the privileges associated with addresses coming from the filename.
# The type value is one of .forward, maillist, or include.  Setting
# private='' ensures that noone can access (modulo a small window) information
# through the mailer (e.g., by sending mail to addresses taken from a
# protected file and waiting excitedly for the informative bounce messages)
# that they couldn't access otherwise.  If private='.forward maillist' then
# people stop complainig about the former behaviour...

getpriv (priv, file, type) {
	for ptype in $private; do
		if [ $type = $ptype ]; then
			filepriv "$file"
			return $?
	runas $priv filepriv "$file"

# Usage: newattribute <oldattribute> <key1> <value1> [ <key2> <value2> ] ...
# Returns a new attribute list symbol with the <keyN> <valueN>
# attributes added to the contents of the <oldattribute> list.

newattribute (oldattribute) {
	local a null value
	eval $a=\$$oldattribute
	while [ "$#" != 0 ]; do
		value=$(get $a "$1")
		if [ x"$value" != x"$2" ]; then
			null=$(setf $(get $a "$1") "$2")
		shift ; shift
	echo $a

# Usage: maprrouter <newattributes> <what-is-being-expanded>
# This function applies the rrouter function to each address read from
# stdin, passing the <newattributes> parameter.  In case of error, the
# localpart parameter is used as appropriate descriptive text.  The
# return value is the concatenation of the return values of the rrouter
# invocations.

maprrouter (attribute, localpart) {
	local shh al

	while read address
		case "$address" in
		'')	case $#al in
			0)	al=(((error expansion "$localpart"))) ;;
			*)	shh=(((error expansion "$localpart")))
				shh=$(setf $(cdr $(last $al)) $shh)

		case $#al in
		0)	al=$(rrouter "$address" $attribute)
			[ "$defer" ] &&
			    shh=(((hold "$defer" "$address" $attribute)))
		*)	shh=$(rrouter "$address" $attribute)
			[ "$defer" ] &&
			    shh=(((hold "$defer" "$address" $attribute)))
			shh=$(setf $(cdr $(last $al)) $shh)
	return $al