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Re: configure in 2.99.44

> Hello,
> I ran configure in 2.99.44 and problems happened
> - MAILSHARE MAILVAR MAILBIN were setup to NONE/* - ???

	I guess it is about following -- I added some tests to make
	sure nobody gets away from not defining the  --prefix:

[mea@mea zmailer-2.99.45]$ ./configure 
creating cache ./config.cache
!!! You did not define  --prefix -parameter !!!
!!! Define the  --prefix -parameter to tell subtree,
!!! where the ZMailer system is to be installed.

> - MAILBOX was set up to /var/spool/mail - why ? default is /var/mail here...

Hmm, an omission...  Perhaps:

[mea@mea zmailer-2.99.45]$ ZCONFIG=/opt/mail/zmailer.conf ./configure --prefix=/opt/mail
loading cache ./config.cache
*** You can set  ZCONFIG  environment variable to define
*** the location of the (default) /etc/zmailer.conf -file
*** (You can use also   --with-zconfig=  -parameter)
*** You can set CC, and CFLAGS  environment variables to
*** choose the C-compiler, and its options, especially at
*** systems where there are multiple choices to use...
Using ZMailer parametrization file path: /opt/mail/zmailer.conf
Using ZMailer POSTOFFICE path: /var/spool/postoffice
Using ZMailer MAILBOX directory path: /var/mail
Using ZMailer MAILSHARE directory path: /opt/mail
Using ZMailer MAILVAR directory path: /opt/mail
Using ZMailer MAILBIN directory path: /opt/mail/bin
Using ZMailer LOGDIR directory path: /var/log/mail

The actual trick is following fragment of script added into  configure.in:

    for DEFMAILBOX in /var/mail /var/spool/mail /usr/mail /usr/spool/mail
	if test -d $DEFMAILBOX ; then

> -- 
>  E-mail: Matus.Uhlar@tuke.sk WWW: http://ccsun.tuke.sk/users/uhlar

	/Matti Aarnio <mea@nic.funet.fi>