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Re: Missing manditory <CR>?

> We're running into some problems with siren mail when users try to
> send to an ill-fromed address of the form <username>@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> Mark Crispin of UW (writer of pine's c-client)  claims:
>   I found the problem.  It's a bug in ZMailer's SMTP server.
>   The response message comes back as:
>           501-5.5.2 ^<LF>501 5.5.2 Path data: Should this be...
>   instead of
>           501-5.5.2 ^<CR><LF>501 5.5.2 Path data: Should this be...
>   Since the mandatory CR is missing, my code sees it all as one line, and 
>   it's waiting for a non-continuation line which never comes.
>   Thanks for telling me the identity of the SMTP server.  I used it as 
>   part of my testing.  I suspected that this was the problem, but the 
>   test confirmed it.

	Oops..    At   smtpserver/smtpserver.c:type821err() -routine
	there is a   printf("^\n");  which MUST be  printf("^\r\n");

> We're running zmailer 2.99.38 on an IBM SP2 running AIX 4.1
> Thanks,
> --Eric Riehl

	/Matti Aarnio <mea@nic.funet.fi>