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Re: a different aliases.cf for zmailer

A minor bug in my "aliases.cf".  Mailing lists in some environments
will not work.  A silly oversight that didn't show up until I dropped
the aliases.cf onto a different mailserver.

--- old/aliases.cf	Wed Sep 30 14:56:24 1992
+++ aliases.cf	Wed Sep 30 10:40:43 1992
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Expansion of the local-part of a locally delivered address is done here.
-# [1992-Sep-29 flee@cs.psu.edu]
+# [1992-Sep-30 flee@cs.psu.edu]
 # XXX "expand" is really a bad name; it's actually a combination of
 # XXX several things: name resolution, routing, etc.
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 expand_list (user, attr) {
-	local addrs file priv a zzz
+	local addrs file priv newattr a zzz
 	attr=$(newattribute $attr sender "$user"-owner)
@@ -261,11 +261,12 @@
 		file=$dir/$(recase -l "$user")
 		[ -f "$file" ] || continue
+		priv=$(get $attr privilege)
 		priv=$(getpriv $priv "$file" maillist) || continue
-		attr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)
+		newattr=$(newattribute $attr privilege $priv)
 		a=$(listaddresses <"$file" -e "$user"-owner -c "list $user" |
-			maprrouter $attr "$file")
+			maprrouter $newattr "$file")
 		# append $a to $addrs
 		case $#addrs in